10D Italian fiesta8th NovTour Manager: Sabestian MakThe tour was well organised and our tour manager was helpful and considerate . The hotels assigned were of good standard.However, the meals provided could be better.
Henry Lim
Tour name: 10D7N SCENIC EASTERN Europe Tour code : EEBUDSTour date: 6 Oct - 14 Oct 2018Tour manager : whyeeReason I'm happy : whyee is experienced, caring and dedicated... She took care of the needs of all the age groups in our tour group... She is also effectively bilingual and has good communication skills... My mum and I are planning to travel by EU HOLIDAYS again.. I created a Facebook account so that I could leave positive feedback... Keep up the good work, EU!
Lorraine Koh
10D 7night (Italy Fiesta)Date departure: 08 Nov 2018Tour mgr : Sabestian MakMy wife and i very satisfied in this tour. We will like to thanks to our tour manager Sabestian. He is friendly, helpful tell us where to buy all the branded, delicious foods, dessert like tiramisu & offer taking photo for everyone. Also caring tell us many about the pickpockets stories ask us to be careful in Italy.Everyday he will msg to us remind tmr what time meet for breakfast.Next time I definitely will choose EU Holiday again!
Jason Chia
Balkansdepart 3 Nov 2018Tour manager: Paul TeeBack from the trip and can't stop mesmerising the good time and travelling experience our tour manager Paul has given us.It was a fun filled, exhiralirating and memorable travel with a walking wikepedia literally by our side giving a constant commentry updates on our surrounding.. his homework paid off well and such dedicated services was very well received for his excellent service.He is dedicated, friendly and well liked by his herd. We all had an equal fair share of his attention. He is a good photographer, skilled at positioning group photography. His service is beyond excellence . A highly self directed and self motivated guy that is a great asset to the company. All of us are looking forward to the next trip with Paul.
Cinnde Lim
10D7N Italy Fiesta Date- 8/11/18- 17/11/18我经常参加旅游团,Sebestian Mak 在旅途中遇到各种状况不但处理的紧紧有条,什至在一位年长者的脚疼痛时背她上楼梯,在团里处处为旅客着想,展现出一位专业导游应有的素质,值得赞赏!
Jasline Tan
10 days 7 nights Italy FiestaFrom 8Nov - 17NovTour Manager Sebastian MakThis is my first trip with my husband to Europe tour. With a group of friends n relatives, we are bless with a good tour manager. Sebestian is responsive and knowledgeable. He is very helpful n go out of his way to help us. With some old folks in the group, he is patient and kind enough to guide and help them along. His detail information especially in tax refund is very helpful.We are happy with his service and hope to have him as our tour manager the next time we book a tour at EU holiday !Well done!
Angii Choy
10D7N Italy Fiesta 我是马来西亚过来第一参加新加坡的旅行團这次的意大利之旅 真得非常意外和 happy 新加坡领队 Sabestian Mak 是一个非常贴心专业和会逗人开心 他有—定的水準,可以
Ng Kim Soon
10D7N Italy Fiesta我们是马来西亚过来第一参加新加坡的旅行團这次的意大利之旅 非常的愉快我们的新加坡领队 Sabestian Mak 是一个非常贴心专业的他把所有的行程都安排的非常妥当而且團里有几个年龄比较大的长者他都细心照顾。他一级棒!
Wei Lee Ong
10D Italy FiestaFrom 8Nov - 17NovTour Manager Sebastian MakThank you Sebestian for his excellent service during this tour. He is very knowledgable and very responsive throughout tour. As our group has many elderly and some with walking stick, he never fail to lookout and wait for them. He even piggyback one of my group member climbing up the stairs in Civita as she sprain her leg during tour. Time management he is perfect, he is always in full charge and even try his best to give us more time every city. During meals he will always be last time eat and first to finish and Ensure all our food is okay. We appreciate he daily talk on bus as he spent over an hour talking to us engaging us which let us feel not boring during the Long ride. He is an asset to EU and would look forward to have him as our tour manager in further trips. Well done EU.
tour manager paul tee service excellence,caring, cheer ful ,explanation good ,on the 3/11/18to15/11/18 balkan trip ,and i strong recommended paul tee is axcellence tour manager
Wong Wong
tour name : 12D9N adventure to the Balkans departure date : 18 Oct 2018tour guide: Jia Futhe tour gave us the opportunity to see the beautiful scenery of Croatia and its neighbouring countries. the tour contain many historical information which is very enlightening to know.Jiafu our tour guide plans our trip well as in,if he can, he plans it in a way we would not meet the peak timing for our location so that we are able to take very beautiful pictures. he always makes sure everyone is present before moving to the next destination. he's also takes the initiative to explain the history of respective landmarks in Chinese to some of our tour members.Anywhere for this trip give us know the history of Sarajevo city thru war to peace.
Dolphin Wong
这是我第一次参加EU Holidays, 刚游完了12天的克罗地亚等几个东欧国家,在出发之前朋友们都跟我说EU团的吃住不好,让我很担心,我与姐妹们刚已星期日游完返回家门。这趟旅游EU给了我个开心愉快的旅途,吃和住都很不错,又加上我们的Tour manager Ms Rin全程细心的照顾,她用中英文解说当地的历史文化,在最后一天还再次以中英文重复我们走过的行程让我们似乎重游一遍,真感激她的用心,在此我们真心感谢有她的陪伴与照顾,小Rin, 谢谢你了。希望有机会再同游。。。
Wong Shu Qing
您好,我是第一次參加你們 eu的旅行圑到意大利和杜拜十二天旅遊團。在這個旅程中有一位優秀和有責任心的女導遊Susan Tan 帶領著我們。我們這次旅行玩得很開心。謝謝Susan 和EU holiday 給我們這麼好的回憶和經驗。
Eddie Ko
Just completed the 13D10N Eastern Europe tour from 29th Oct to 09th Nov. We enjoyed the trip very much and would like to thanks for the excellent service from tour manager Jeremiah Tan, he took good care of us during the entire trip, he has good interactions with the groups, filled us with my interesting stories. it is fortunate to have such a good guide in the company.
Zhang Yue
Tour manager : Kevin ChengI was not feeling well on the day when we touch down in Italy on 26 October 2018, and was very fortunate to have the kind concern of the Tour manager Mr Kevin to engage a Doctor to look after me. Despite having to look after a group of 44 participants, he went all out to assist in purchasing the medicine almost in middle of the night from the pharmacy distance away.I was able to enjoy the rest of the journey after recovery with friends both old and new who are so helpful and co-operative.Once again, many thanks to Kevin who really managed this group like a family moving forward together.Looking forward to the next trip lead by Kevin to Norway as mentioned.
Ng Guan Teck
Had an enjoyable travel experience in the recent tour (13D10N Highlights of Eastern Europe) from 29/10 to 10/11. We are happy to view the raw, beautiful sights in our travel. Kudos goes to our tour manager- Jeremiah Tan in attending to the tour members.. in reminding us to stay safe always in the different countries we go to.. in giving us heads up of what we would be covering the next day. Kudos to the tour driver for driving us around safely too. An enjoyable travel experience filled with lots of laughters and stories during the long coach trip. Thank you Jeremiah :)
Hui Min Cheng